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What is PIRMYD?

PIRMYD is a game that combines crossword puzzles with anagram solving. How awesome is that? Well, give it a try and you will find out.

Or if you don’t feel ready yet, continue reading to find out how PIRMYD will help you clear out all the levels of the game.

How to climb the PIRMYD pyramid?

Like any pyramid, this PIRMYD is made of levels. But these ones are not made of stone, but actual words.

To discover the new word, discard one letter from the previous level. Then rearrange the remaining ones and form a new word. Solve all clues to reach the top of the PIRMYD pyramid.

Having trouble solving the clues?

The road ahead might be steep, but PIRMYD is here to help you.

First, don’t be afraid of doing mistakes. If the current clue does not ring a bell, try mixing up the letters and see what word you can come up with.

And just between us, you don’t even have to form a valid word. PIRMYD will accept any letters combination and it will keep any of the letters that are in the correct position.

Still not sure you can make it?

Don’t feel worried, it gets even better. You can mix the remaining letters as much and as many times you want. There is a unlimited number of tries and beside that, PIRMYD will tell you when you have already tried a letter in an incorrect position.

Moreover, you can always reshuffle the tiles to get fresh ideas.

Each day there's a new PIRMYD to climb. Goodluck!



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